- Heat oil in wok and saut? chestnuts, stir in mushrooms. 镬中下少釭o爆香栗子,加入冬菇;
- Heat some oil in wok and saut? the beef short ribs until done, return onion to the wok, add marinade and cook for a while, season to taste and serve hot. 烧热镬,用少许油煎牛仔骨至两面金黄熟透,加入洋?和腌味汁,煮沸后试味上碟。
- Heat oil in wok gently, add chopped garlic. Saute for a while. 镬内烧油至微温,加入蒜茸,爆炒至香味溢出。
- Heat oil in wok, add the chicken soup and bring to boil, then add in all blanched ingredients. 起油镬,加入鸡汤煮滚,后下所有已汆水的材料。
- Heat oil in wok to deep-fry the turnip pudding over high heat until golden or shallow-fry. Drain excess oil. 镬内烧油,把萝卜糕以大火炸至微黄或煎透,取出隔油。
- Rinse mungbean sprouts and drain. Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry mungbean sprouts until done. Set aside. 下油爆香蒜蓉、姜蓉,倒入黄鳝炒香,灒酒,加入调味料,倒入银芽炒匀后上碟,加入少许胡椒粉拌匀,即可。
- Heat 2 tbsps oil in wok and add oysters, fry over high heat until golden on both sides. Remove and drain. 镬内烧2汤匙油,加入蠔,大火煎至两面金黄,取出沥乾油份。
- Heat oil in wok, add the plum, white vinegar, brown sugar, HP sauce, 1 tsp ketchup, cook as sweet and sour sauce. Set aside. 烧热油镬,加入酸梅、白醋、黄糖、HP汁及1茶匙茄汁,煮成酸甜汁,备用。
- Heat 2 tbsp of oil in wok and stir-fry the onion and ginger; add other vegetables, sauce and seafood; cook well and then pour on the steamed custard. 镬内烧2汤匙油,爆香洋葱及姜,续加入其他蔬菜,倒入献汁及海鲜,煮透,淋蒸蛋上。
- Heat oil in wok, return spareribs and fermented cabbage to stir-fry well, add seasoning B to mix well, remove to balsam pear, and steamed over high heat for 40 minutes. 起锅热油,放入排骨、梅干菜拌炒,加入调味料B拌匀,盛入苦瓜内,以大火蒸40分钟。
- Then, put some oil in the wok and add in the meat. 然后,在锅里放些油,把肉放进去。
- Heat 1 tbsp of oil in wok until warm. Fry squid until golden brown. 热镬,1汤匙油烧至温热,放鱿鱼筒煎至金黄色。
- Heat 3 tbsps oil in wok, saute giblets until cooked. Remove. 烧3汤匙油,爆炒肾片至熟透,取起。
- Heat 2tbsp oil in wok, stir-fry minced pork until 80% done.Stir in garlic and preserved cabbage in olive, saut? until fragrant. 烧2汤匙油,将猪肉炒至八成熟,加入蒜茸及榄菜,炒香;
- Heat 2 tbsps oil in wok, saut? the minced pork with minced garlic and ginger until done. Pour in the sauce and bring to the boil. 镬内烧2汤匙油,加入免治猪肉、蒜茸及姜茸;炒透后注入芡汁,烧滚。
- Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. 把油放到一个大炖锅里用中火加热。
- Return the beef, add in bean sprout and green onion stalks into the wok and saut? with the rice noodle. 待河粉吸收汁料后,把牛肉回镬,再加入芽菜和葱段拌炒,即可上碟。
- Heat oil in a wok, deep-fry the crabs until medium-well cooked, remove. 烧热一锅油,下蟹件炸至约七成熟即可取出。
- Heat oil in wok. Frying the tiger prawns until golden. 加油于镬中烧热,放入虎虾炸至金黄色。
- Heat wok and add 2 bowls of oil. Reduce to medium heat. Heat oil and add whisked egg gradually and keep stirring. 热镬下2碗油,调至中火,油至微滚徐徐注入蛋浆,边倒边搅拌成蛋花状。